Care hubz

Our Accommodation

The environment created within our properties is established to promote the well-being and safety of ‘looked after’ young people who have been placed in our provision. Our properties are designed to be attractive, stimulating and comfortable with high quality furnishings. All our young people have the privacy of their own rooms and a budget to personalise their space
Gary Barker

Ofsted Registered Accommodation

Our portfolio includes four registered children’s homes with a further two undergoing development.

The key objectives:
  • Ensuring safety, stability, and security for all our children in our homes.
  • Providing a safe, secure, and private environment which promotes equality.
  • Encourage health and well-being through exercise and healthy eating.
  • Develop regular routines by encouraging community events and regular home meetings where young people can express their views and wishes.
  • Provide independent skills training such as cooking, cleaning, healthy eating, personal hygiene, household maintenance, managing finances and gardening – including growing their own fruit and vegetables.
  • Provide and promote a place our children can call home.
Appropriate staffing levels will always be in place in all properties.

Care Hubz work to make sure the voice of the young people that we support is the driving force of their independence pathway. We believe that their wishes and feelings should be placed at the very centre of their planning and we work to empower them to express 

We pride ourselves that our homes offer a nurturing environment and provide a safe space for our young people.
Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD

High Quality Accomodation

Care Hubz subscribe to a holistic and family approach with a view to providing a warm, nurturing, and stable environment for the young people we care for. This means providing positive adult role models, comfortable accommodation, a range of leisure and recreational opportunities, healthy and nutritious food, educational opportunities and seeking to maximise the individual children’s strengths and potential in order to meet their individual needs. All our homes aims to be an inclusive environment whereby we use a positive rewards system, and develop realistic goals.

Starting in high quality accommodation like this can inspire young people to take responsibility to maintain it. It can also support positive mental health and raise confidence. We pride ourselves that our homes offer a nurturing environment and provide a safe space.

To augment the above and through care planning, we work in partnership with the young people and others to meet the physical, psychological, emotional and health needs of young people.

Our ethos is to provide a warm welcoming, nurturing and stable environment.

This is designed to positively promote the well-being and safety of ‘Looked After’ children and young people for whom residential care is the best option.

Get in Touch

    Giving young people, leaving care, the help and care they need to live independently...
    • 0113 870 6222


    Floating Support keyworkers
    After leaving school, I worked in the textile industry for over 20 years. To support and encourage my daughter to attend college I completed an access to higher education course, where I had the chance to volunteer at a homeless shelter as part of the curriculum.

    My passion for helping others then led me to start working with young people, initially in a mother and baby unit. In 2003, I joined Calderdale Council as a casual residential worker, becoming a permanent staff member in 2007. I then moved to a short break unit for children with learning disabilities in 2011, where I stayed until 2015 before changing my career path to focus more on support than care.

    For the next 8 years, I had the privilege of supporting 16-18 year old care leavers, and I was even promoted to manager in 2018. It was a very rewarding experience, but I was eager for a new challenge when the opportunity to become a team leader working with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) became available. I'm really enjoying the new experiences and the chance to support these young people as they navigate the asylum process and work towards living independently developing skills for community safety and involvement, personal hygiene, and basis English.

    Outside of work, I cherish my time with my children and grandchildren. It brings me great joy to be able to spend quality time with my loved ones.

    Babita Mehta

    24/7 Operational Manager
    Babita has worked with children for over 20 years. She has worked in the Education sector in a safeguarding role, before transitioning into Safeguarding Lead with Youth Hubz Semi Independent Support where she has worked for the last 18months. She is currently completing Level 4 in Children, Young People and Families Practitioner and ensures she keeps up to date with her role by attending various Safeguarding Leadership courses with new legislation and guidance. Babita has been Safeguarding Lead since 2021. She supports the implementation of policies and procedures with safeguarding practices. She ensures staff are up to date with all the developments in child protection policy, research, practice and guidance. In 2023 Babita was promoted to Operational Manager for 24/7 support.