What is your background? And how did you become Deputy Manager at Care Hubz?
“My background is varied, I started initially working in IT before being made redundant – running IT desk to becoming career and working with young people. 10 year foster carer with teenagers and I learnt a lot about myself and how to manage I improved educational outcomes and still advocate for these young people who still remain in contact with me. I then went into education as LSA and moved to form tutor then supervisor. I enjoyed educational setting. My first social care role was in London – CSE, UCAS, working in a 7- bed in London, learnt so much about social care, thoroughly enjoyed the role and would mentor newbies into role. I relocated to Yorkshire with my partner, I worked up here in educational setting with SEN young people as contracted agency work. I was offered fulltime job. I came to care hubz as RSW due to word of mouth. I came is an a RSW and soon promoted to senior. I have worked multi bed home all my life, solo setting is slightly different. I will be working between two homes and one will be multi-bed so I am looking forward to having a variety. I know I have got the deputy role which I started In May 2024 despite been offered position last year due to the home not opening it has been postponed. I will work with paul closely to induct new staffs."